What Does Sent As Text Message Mean on iPhone?What Does Sent As Text Message Mean on iPhone?

You may have noticed that some of your messages show up as blue bubbles, while others are green. This can be confusing if you don’t have an in-depth understanding of how iPhone texting works.

If you see a green bubble underneath your message, it means that your iPhone was unable to send it as an iMessage. This can happen for a number of reasons, including network issues or blocked settings on the recipient’s end.

Blue Bubbles

When you see a message bubble in the Messages app on your iphone, it might be blue or green. These colors indicate whether your message was sent using Apple’s iMessage service (blue) or standard SMS/MMS text messaging service (green).

The iMessage service is free and allows you to send unlimited messages between iOS devices, including your iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, and Mac. iMessage uses Wi-Fi and cellular-data networks to send and receive text, photos, and videos. You can also share your location, make voice calls, check message delivery, and more.

iMessages use end-to-end encryption to protect your information when you send or receive them. They are encrypted even if the person you’re talking to doesn’t have an iMessage-enabled device.

In order to send iMessages, you need to have an Apple ID that matches the recipient’s Apple ID. If you don’t have an Apple ID, you can create one for free. You can also get a family or group membership for multiple Apple devices to send and receive iMessages on the same account.

You can turn on iMessage by going to Settings > Messages. It’s on by default on new devices, but you can change it to turn it off if you want.

While iMessages are free, they do count against your cellular data plan’s monthly quota. This means they can slow down your cellular connection if you use too much of your monthly data allotment.

The main advantage of using iMessage is that it’s more secure than traditional SMS, which is based on your cell carrier’s network. iMessages are also more flexible, with extra features like GIFs, stickers, and special text effects.

When you send iMessages, you can get a delivery receipt when the message shows delivered. If you receive a message with a green bubble, it might mean that the person you’re talking to was unable to send iMessages or was in an unreachable area.

You can avoid receiving green bubbles by turning on the iMessage toggle in Settings > Messages. It’s free and easy to do. You can also change your iMessage settings to use your phone’s network instead of the Internet for sending and receiving messages.

Green Bubbles

If you use the Messages app on your iPhone, you may have noticed that some of your text messages appear as blue bubbles, while others are green. The reason these bubbles are colored in different ways is because iMessage and SMS are two different types of messages that can be sent between Apple devices.

iMessage is a type of messaging that was designed by Apple specifically to work with other iOS devices. It uses Wi-Fi to send and receive messages, and does not require a cellular data plan. If you’re sending iMessages to non-iOS devices, however, those texts will be in the form of SMS messages.

This is because iMessage was originally built to connect to other Apple devices using the internet, while SMS messages are meant for connections over cellular networks. This can cause some problems for users who text between iOS and Android phones.

Many people who text between iOS and Android phones complain that the message bubbles become green when they switch to an Android phone. They start to get pixelated, typing indicators disappear, and other features break down, leading to frustrating situations like sending pictures or videos in the wrong order or having them come late.

The reason this happens is because iMessage and SMS are designed to be different, and it’s hard to make them both look the same. iMessage is designed to have a better color contrast against white text, while SMS is more difficult to read because of its low contrast.

Despite this, it’s not necessarily a bad thing that these two types of messages are in different colors. It’s a sign that iMessage is an important feature for iOS, while SMS is important for Android phones and other mobile platforms.

As long as iMessage and SMS are both working properly, this isn’t an issue. And if you’re worried about privacy, you can always use encryption for your iMessage conversations, or limit what websites your phone tracks across.

In the end, it’s up to each user to decide what works best for them. If you often text non-iPhone users, it might be a good idea to stick with traditional SMS and MMS texts, which are also free if you’re on a cellular data plan.

Not Delivered

iMessage is the short messaging service used on iPhones and iPads. It uses Wi-Fi or cellular data to send messages to other Apple devices. Sometimes, you might notice that your messages aren’t getting delivered.

One of the most common reasons why your iMessages don’t get delivered is because of blocked phone numbers. These can be blocked by your recipient’s mobile carrier, or if they’re on the DND list. However, there are several ways to resolve this issue so that your iMessages can be delivered.

The first step is to ensure that the person you’re trying to deliver an iMessage to has an iMessage-compatible device. This can be done by opening the Message app on their phone and checking that their iMessage option is turned on in the settings.

Another way to check this is to look at their last iMessage. If there is a “Delivered” badge beneath it, your iMessage will have been sent successfully. If there isn’t, it could mean that they’re in an area without internet or that their device is off.

You can also check if they’re using Airplane Mode, which cuts off their cellular connection. This can cause iMessage to get lost on their device. If this is the case, they should see your iMessage in their Messages app when they turn their device back on.

Lastly, you can always try to switch your iPhone’s iMessage option to SMS instead. This can be done by going to Settings and then selecting Messages.

When you send an iMessage, it will attempt to route it through the iMessage servers. If the iMessage server isn’t available, or if you’re in an area with no internet connectivity, the message will be delivered as an SMS.

If this doesn’t work, you can try resending the message as an iMessage. This will bypass cellular connections and send the message through Apple’s servers.

The iMessage status can also be “Waiting for Activation,” which means that the message isn’t yet fully activated on your device. When this occurs, you can still resend the message as an iMessage by going to Settings and then turning on iMessage again.


iMessages are texts, video, and pictures that are exchanged between iPhone, iPod touch, Mac, or iPad users. They are encrypted and appear on-screen as blue bubbles.

However, sometimes, communication can get interrupted by internet connectivity problems. This is one of the reasons why many iPhone users turn off their iMessage settings and send a text message instead.

When you receive a text message that has a green bubble it means that the person you are communicating with does not use iMessage and instead, they are using their normal phone messaging application. This is a common problem among millions of Android and iPhone users around the world, so it is important to understand what this message means.

A delivered message means that the recipient has received or read your message. This is a good sign that the communication went well between both of you and that you are able to communicate with each other in an efficient manner.

You can check whether your message has been successfully delivered by looking at the delivery status report under your last iMessage. If you see “Delivered” or “Read” below your iMessage, then it is a good sign that the recipient has actually received and read your message.

Another way to know if your message has been delivered is by checking the device’s notification status. Some phones display this information automatically, while others require you to enable it by default.

iMessages can fail to deliver if there are multiple problems, such as the recipient’s iMessage account is turned off, they are traveling abroad, or the device has an incompatible Internet connection. If you notice that your message has failed to deliver, try resending it.

To resend a message, simply tap the message and choose resend. Your message will be sent again and it will appear as a blue bubble in your contact’s iMessage app.

The resend notification will show up under your previous iMessages, and it will include the word “Delivered” or “Read” if they have read receipts enabled. It will also tell you the date and time that your message was sent.

By ashdev

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