The Lag screw is a thick, heavy-duty fastener used for holding wood together. They can withstand significant stress and are a popular choice for construction projects. Lag screws can be purchased online or from home improvement stores. They can be used on both wood and metal, but they’re often used on wooden projects because of their durability. Lag screws come in both square-headed and hex-headed styles, but they have the same strength and mechanical properties.

The most common use for lag screws is to join pieces of lumber together. They can also be used to hold the frame of a building together. When using a lag screw, it is important to know its proper dimensions and strength before installing it. Lag screws are designed to be driven into a piece of wood by a wrench, but they can also be drilled with a drill. Lag screws must be installed with a pilot hole to prevent them from drilling too far into the material that they’re supposed to hold in place.

The mandibular symphysis fracture can undergo rotational forces, and fixation is required to neutralize these forces. A lag screw can be placed perpendicular to the fracture to provide three-dimensional stability and prevent rotational deformity. This type of fixation allows for early range of motion and rehabilitation, and it can reduce complications such as metacarpophalangeal joint stiffness and iatrogenic injury to the dorsal radial nerve. Lag screw fixation requires a minimally invasive approach, which can improve outcomes and facilitate early functional recovery. Lag screw

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