Fenbendazole is an anthelmintic drug commonly used to treat parasites in humans and animals. It is also an effective cancer treatment, and is sometimes combined with other therapies. It is not recommended for cats and dogs with severe liver or kidney disease because it can decrease the effectiveness of some other medications, due to decreased drug excretion.

It is thought that fenbendazole may kill cancer cells by reactivating the p53 gene, inducing cell apoptosis, and inhibiting the ability of cancer cells to absorb glucose. In addition, it has not been shown to cause resistance in cancer patients. It is believed that fenbendazole may work in conjunction with other cancer treatments, such as chemotherapy and radiation.

The dosage of fenbendazole can vary, depending on the needs of each patient. It can be as low as 222mg per day, or as high as 2000mg daily. Some patients need to take fenbendazole for a few weeks before seeing results, while others see results after just a few days of taking the medicine. Patients should be sure to drink plenty of water and rest frequently during the first few weeks of fenbendazole dosing. Side effects include stomach pain, nausea, and diarrhea. These reactions are often a sign that the medication is working, as they indicate that harmful pathogens are being killed inside the body. As the patient becomes more accustomed to the medicine, these symptoms should begin to subside. Those who are interested in trying fenbendazole for cancer should discuss the option with their doctor. fenbendazole 222mg capsules for humans

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