If you have bad credit, it can be difficult to get loans or credit cards. It can also impact your ability to rent an apartment or house, and insurers may use it to determine your premiums or decline coverage altogether. Credit scores can even influence your utility bills and cellphone plans, as some providers require a security deposit or higher rates if you have poor credit. Thankfully, there are steps you can take to repair your credit score over time.
A good first step is to review your credit reports and dispute any errors you find. These errors can include accounts that don’t belong to you, payments that were made on time but appear late on your report, and debts that have been paid off but are still showing up as outstanding. A credit reporting agency has 28 days to investigate your claim and must update your report accordingly.
Some people have bad credit because of identity theft or fraud. It’s important to report these issues to the credit reference agencies immediately. You can also ask for a “victim of identity theft” marker to be placed on your credit file by the not-for-profit credit bureau Cifas, which will help lenders distinguish you as a victim from other borrowers.
It’s also important to pay your bills on time. Payment history makes up 35 percent of your credit score, and even a single missed payment can damage it. Consider setting up auto-payments for all of your accounts to make sure you never miss a payment. Also, try to lower your credit utilization ratio by paying down the balances on your revolving debt (credit card debt) and increasing the amount of available credit on any accounts you have. You can do this by paying down the balances on your credit cards, requesting a credit limit increase or by transferring any revolving debt to unsecured personal loans that aren’t included in your credit score calculation.
Lastly, be cautious of credit repair companies that promise to improve your credit score in exchange for fees. Many of these firms are scams, and they often don’t deliver on their promises. If you’re unsure of how to proceed, seek out a credit counselor to help guide you through the process.
Ultimately, it takes time to improve your credit score and build a solid financial foundation, but the rewards of having a healthy score can be worth it. Lenders may see a higher credit score as less risk and provide you with better terms for loans and other products, so making sure your credit is accurate and up-to-date will save you money over time. Keep up the good work and continue to implement responsible financial habits, and you can have a great credit score in no time. how to fix credit score