Whether you’re an OG YouTube creator or are new to the platform, there are several strategies for outperforming in YouTube views. These tactics can boost engagement and help your videos get seen by more viewers, which in turn helps you earn more ad revenue and reach.

Watch Time
The total amount of minutes that the average viewer spends watching your video is a key metric for YouTube to use in ranking your videos. A high watch time means that the algorithm thinks your video is engaging enough to warrant being served up in Search, Home page feeds and YouTube’s Suggested section. This is why it’s so important to focus on creating engaging content that keeps people coming back for more.

The number of subscribers you have on your channel is a strong indicator to YouTube that your videos are worth watching. YouTube gives more weight to subscriber videos, and prioritizes them over non-subscriber videos in Search, Homepage feeds and the Suggested section. In addition to this, a large community of engaged viewers can also create positive word-of-mouth about your brand and help generate more views by sharing your videos with their friends.

Competitor Analysis
Monitor your competitors’ video content, posting frequency and tonality to understand how they appeal to their audience. Analyzing your competitors can help you identify trends and stay ahead of the competition. This is particularly important as YouTube evolves its algorithms and features regularly. It’s best to be prepared for these shifts in order to make the most of the platform. Strategies for outperforming in YouTube views

By Admin

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