A boiler service is an essential part of keeping your heating system in top condition. A regularly maintained boiler will work more efficiently and cost less to run, lowering your energy bills and helping reduce your carbon footprint. It’s also a way of ensuring that all the safety features are working correctly and identifying any potential issues before they cause more serious problems.

There are several different aspects to a gas boiler service, starting with a visual inspection from the outside of the unit. This will allow the engineer to check that the pilot light is on and glowing blue (a yellow, orange red, purple or green flame indicates a problem) and that there are no corrosive deposits or leaks. They will also check that the boiler is at the correct gas pressure and that there are no obstructions in the flue terminals.

The next stage is a more thorough examination of the internal workings of the boiler, which involves removing the outer casing to check the combustion chamber, heat exchanger and other components that are critical for safe operation of the unit. The engineer will also take readings of both carbon monoxide and air levels to ensure that they are within the legal limits.

After the boiler service is complete, you will be provided with a Gas Safety Certificate which includes the name and number of the engineer, the date of the inspection and any problem notes. You should keep this in a safe place as you will need to show it to your landlord if you are a tenant in order to comply with the regulations set out in The Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1998. gas boiler service

By Admin

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